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Photos from China, Tibet, Nepal and India / Fotografie z Číny, Tibetu, Nepálu a Indie

Tagged with: — ondrej at 1:57 am on Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I selected the best photos from the last trip to China, Tibet, Nepal and India. There are really nice places to visit, esp. Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, Potala in Lhasa, Friendship Hwy from Tibet to Nepal, Kathmandu and last but not least the Taj Mahal in Agra.

Please, see my photoalbum, for the year 2007:

China and Tibet


Spravil som výber fotografií z cesty Čína, Tibet, Nepál a India. Mnohé sa po ceste udialo, videli sme veľa miest, medzi najpôsobivejšie patrili Námestie pri bráne nebeského pokoja v Pekingu, Potala v Lhase, cesta Priateľstva medzi Tibetom a Nepálom, Kathmandu a, samozrejme, Tádžmahal v Agre.

Fotoalbum, rok 2007 a
Čína a Tibet

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Comment by Lomo

November 27, 2007 @ 9:09 am

Well done! Really nice photographs taken. Did you took the trip on your own or it was a travel agency trip?

Comment by ondrej

November 27, 2007 @ 10:30 am

Thank you :)
It was a travel agency trip. We were there for the first time, so I thought it is a good idea to go there with a guide.
And it is easier for a travel agency to get all kinds of permits to China, esp. Tibet, where you need several permissions (e.g. for the Friendship Hwy).
Btw. the travel agency is Bubo.

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