A place for opinions and notes of a valibuk.

Updating from Categories to Tags in WordPress

Tagged with: — ondrej at 12:47 am on Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I updated my WordPress installation to the version 2.3.x and found a new feature: tags.
I converted all my categories to tags (except the Uncategorized category) and… what I saw a small disaster :) All categories disappeared (an expected result), but the categories list in my sidebar contained only one, not very useful, item Uncategorized. Additionally a blog entry contained only Filed under: Uncategorized, again, not very helpful.

And then I realised – I have my own theme… arrrrgh…. and there is no tags to categories converter ;>
Well, here are steps how to update your own theme to support basic tags features:
(There is more where this came from … )

Photos from China, Tibet, Nepal and India / Fotografie z Číny, Tibetu, Nepálu a Indie

Tagged with: — ondrej at 1:57 am on Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I selected the best photos from the last trip to China, Tibet, Nepal and India. There are really nice places to visit, esp. Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, Potala in Lhasa, Friendship Hwy from Tibet to Nepal, Kathmandu and last but not least the Taj Mahal in Agra.

Please, see my photoalbum, for the year 2007:
(There is more where this came from … )

Rhotoalbum 0.3 Released

Tagged with: — ondrej at 3:19 am on Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A new version of Rhotoalbum, a simple but powerful photo album generator written in Ruby, has been released. It is already its third release (0.3) and there are now really nice features as photo descriptions, more styles support with a style switcher or album options.

Thanks to Viktor Zigo (maybe you know his plug-in to Firefox XPather) for the most of the new features.

If you would like to know more, please, check the Rhotoalbum page. You are welcome to see our photo albums: Viktor’s or mine. Surprisingly, they are generated by Rhotoalbum ;)